
Chicken and Biscuits

Gotta love those North Carolina sunsets. The steamy mid-summer humidity, fireflys dancing in the air, your local Bojangle's lighting up the sky... I spent two wonderful weeks in NC earlier this summmer. I always feel somewhat conflicted visiting there, because while I love seeing my family, I am always reminded of my formative years growing up there, never feeling like I quite fit in anywhere... I mean, being an Indian kid in Raleigh, NC back in the 80's was, well, interesting. The RTP area is much more diverse now, but people in CA look at me like I'm nuts when I tell them I grew up in NC. I guess those feelings of being the odd one out were miserable back then, but they eventually to my creative endeavors.



I am going through some serious revisions with both of my scripts right now. I've decided that it's time to just get really serious about making every line of both scripts just pop. Then, I'm going to just go for it and figure out a way to make this first feature happen. Life is just too short to sit about and wait, I've just got to make it a go myself!


Sundance Screenwriter's Lab

I was extremely torn up about not advancing to the second round of the Sundance labs. Especially because one of my scripts, Rapberry Magic, was considered by them twice. I don't know why I put so much credence on the labs, but for some reason, getting into it is this huge pie in the sky dream for me. I was so upset that I kind of wrote the people at the labs a very strong letter. I'm probably on their "crazies" list, but they did write me back telling me how sorry they were that I wasn't picked. Bummer. Anyway, the show must go on. Back to revisions and meeting producer types. In positive news, I worked through a problem I was having on my new script, and finally solved an issue I was mulling over for months! Yay!